Emily Smith
When I took my first art class at BHS my sophomore year I knew I had tapped into something very special. I loved the connection I felt with the materials I was working with and seeing drawings, paintings and sculptures come to life before me.
When I was in college studying to become a Spanish teacher, I spent my evenings working on painting projects in my dorm. I found myself thinking "I wish I could just do *this* all day!" And I realized if that was where my passion lies, I needed to make it happen. I made the switch into Art Education and never looked back.
My time in the classroom focuses on technical approaches to materials mixed with an ability to communicate, experiment and express oneself through art. I started teaching at BHS in 2023 after graduating from Batavia myself, and it has been so rewarding to give back to the community that had such a large role in raising me.
Professional Contributions
Teach 3D courses, Art Fundamentals, and AP Art at BHS
Sponsor for BHS wearable art fashion show, Rock the Runway.
AP Grader for the 2024 AP Art Portfolio
Personal artwork featured in community exhibition at Water Street Studios, 2023
Personal artwork published in Drake University's Art and Literature magazine 2021 and 2022
Curator for Stacey Robinson exhibition 2022